Self-Care Series Part I: What is Self-Care?

sincerely skin spa recognizes exercise healthy food and personal time as influences for healthy skin

We’re so excited to start sharing a whole blog series about a very near and dear topic: self-care! This can be just about any act that furthers your mental, physical, and spiritual well-being; from taking a luxurious bubble bath to filling your belly with a nutritious meal, to ending toxic relationships, breaking bad habits, or taking care of your beauty needs and feeling fabulous! So, let’s get started with a little introduction to our series with more in-depth and varied articles to follow.

Every act of self-care we perform becomes embodied as an act of resistance against negative energy that can run us down and burn us out. Throughout our lives, we encounter various traumas, stresses, and uncertainties that test our resilience and strength.

In the age of COVID-19, taking care of ourselves is essential. Though summer is fast approaching, we may still be feeling trapped. The changing of seasons amid a pandemic means our old coping mechanisms might no longer apply. Don’t worry: we’ll be tackling self-care as a part of a life-long process of healing from our past and building strength and resilience in the present and for the future.

Self-care, tailored to your specific needs and values, can reduce the impact of stress. Taking “me” time, actively making decisions that further your happiness and success, and feeling confident and beautiful inside and out, is actually good for your health!

When life is hectic, and we are often faced with the obligation of caring for others (children, friends, aging family members, etc) it can be easy to put caring for ourselves on the back burner. When balancing the everyday stresses that work, family, relationships, and health can bring, a self-care routine is paramount to keeping our bodies and minds in check.

Our goal with this series is to encourage everyone to indulge themselves in new acts of self-care, guilt-free. Let’s say it together:

Your well-being matters!

We are dedicated to delivering top-notch care to our clients, and encouraging them to incorporate it into their everyday life. We’re excited to see where this self-care journey takes us!